Tuesday, November 11, 2008


These pictures are a little late but here are a few pictures of the family on Halloween Day.
The first few pictures of the kids at the school parade.

Here's Josh
Ari is a witch.
Who can forget the adorable Saylor.

Here's cousin Nicky.

The rest of these pictures are taken at the Carvajals home.

The Carvajal boys minus Nicholas.

Huckleberry needed an outfit too.
Hevy Kevy!

Awe aunt Trisha was a witch to.

Isn't this just precious!
Hope you enjoyed the pictures of our Halloween festivites!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Family Fun!

This is really late but I'm just going to post these now since this blog has NO posts and it's almost worse than Cory and Jamies. HA!!